Game Jams



Game created for the Winter #UE4Jam

Controls WASD/arrows keys, left stick on gamepad for movement, space/A on xbox controller for jump. Mouse for menu’s


Game created for the Epic Mega Game jam.

3 Members – David Bailey, Ross Beardsall, Etienne Rocipon

Downloadable – HERE

Sound effects and music from
Fonts from 1001fonts

T.A.N.A.T.A – Game Jam Winner

Game created for the Epic Game jam.

3 Members – David Bailey, Ross Beardsall, Etienne Rocipon

Downloadable – HERE

Sound effects from


Individual game jam entry for epic game jam.

Downloadable – HERE

Everything except sounds and custom character gravity created by me.

You and Blue

Individual game jam entry for the Epic game jam.

Downloadable  – HERE

Everything created by me.

Raspberry Jam

Game created for the global game jam

4 Members – David bailey, Ben Salmon, Jane Renn, Mark Williams

Game downloadable – HERE